In the Sydney Contemporary, surrounded by dozens of art exhibitions, Living Edge delighted crowds with its EDITION Exhibition.

EDITION encapsulates the joining of furniture and art in all its sculptural forms. And on display were some of Living Edge’s most iconic pieces. This included the forever striking Gufram Cactus collections, coming with rare and latest editions like Andy’s Cactus.

In a collaboration between Gufram and Andy Warhol, Andy’s Cactus is the best of Living Edge; coming in sharp blues and pinks, it’s an amalgamation of the pop artist’s vision aligned with one of the most eclectic designs of all time.
Not to mention the eye-catching Pratone in its 50th year celebration: Pratone Forever. In various hues of green, the innovative seating was a highlight that might have stolen the show.

This only covers the tip of the iceberg on what EDITION had on display, and Living Edge again as a pioneer of art at Sydney Contemporary.

Living Edge
Sebastian Mrugalski
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