Name: Peter Harding & Åsa Jonasson
Where you are from/live:
PH: Adelaide, Australia
ÅJ: Rossö, Sweden. Our practice is currently based in Adelaide.
What you do: We run a lighting company called Phoebe Lamps and a design studio called Where North Meets South.
When did you first know you wanted to be a Designer.
PH. When I visited the Robie House by Frank Lloyd Wright at the age of 9.
ÅJ: In Sweden we have the term “form giver” used prior to the adopted word designer. I have since childhood been making and giving form to things, so I guess I have always known.
Your latest project:
We’re currently curating a new range of prints for our Phoebe Lamp range. We’re collaborating with artists and designers and it’s a whole new direction for the brand so it’s a really exciting.
Where you find inspiration:
AJ: Nature
PH: When I need something and it doesn’t exist.
Three people that inspire/excite you:
1) Maija Isola/ Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi (Original Designers for Marimekko)
2) Jan Gehl (Architect)
3) Eachother
Phoebe Lamps
What is your favourite…
Car/bike/plane/boat model: Kosterfjord46 (The Original by the Jonasson Brothers)
Chair model: The Wishbone Chair (Hans Wegner)
Residential space: D-House (Donovan Hill)
Commercial space: Savoy Tavern Public Bar (Ha)
Decorative product: Phoebe Lamp of course
Functional product: Tooth Brush!
Handmade good: Aalto Vase (Savoy Vase)
Mass-produced good: Birkenstocks
Item in your studio: Our Håg Capisco chairs.
Time of day to work/play: Mornings / Saturday Morning
Meal: ÅJ:Swedish seafood PH:Vongole
Restaurant: The Oyster Bar, Grand Central Station NYC.
Drink: Tea
Bar: The Street
Piece of technology: ÅJ: My Samsung Phone, PH: Spotify
Historical figure: Gandhi
Fictional character: ÅJ: Little My (from the Moomins), PH: Don’t do fiction
Vice: Liquorice, chocolate covered Australian style or salty Swedish style.
Virtue: Compassion
What does the term ‘Design Hunter’ mean to you?
Following your passion.
Phoebe Lamps