Christopher Boots, the globally acclaimed light master, has released a new collection that shines in creativity. The new collection, named Ouranos, launched at Salone del Mobile this year, and is yet another fine example of lighting design at its very best from the renowned Christopher Boots Studio.
Ouranos is, to quote Boots, representative of “A celestial union of natural history, space and time”. As with all of Boots’ products, there is a narrative to the range and an intriguing back story. With this collection, each piece has been created as an ode to Ouranos, the god of heaven, grandfather of Prometheus, consort, and son to Earth Goddess Gaia.
The sculptural lights have been conceived as worldly artefacts, each handcrafted in the studio’s Melbourne workshop to pay homage to the celestial qualities of Ouranos.
The Ouranos collection comprises three distinct forms – two pendant configurations and a wall sconce.
Ouranos I is a wall sconce that honours the vertical rotation of the planet Uranus, with a transversal rift of light, as an individual lustrous quartz sphere appears suspended in a slab of brass.
Ouranos II is a pendant with an alignment of quartz spheres, unified and suspended in a linear ring of solid brass that poetically becomes an ode to the skies above.
Ouranos III is another pendant iteration with a series of lustrous quartz spheres eclipsed by a brass ring and suspended in orbit to reflect the moons of Uranus.
The collection is a further exploration into the fascinating world of materiality as Boots explains, “Ouranos developed from playing with materials. There were some quartz balls on the table in the studio that had been conceived for an exploration of an earlier idea and, during a meeting, I picked them up and started touching the spheres to see what they might look like next to a brass ring. That’s it. A line and a sphere, ideas at play and simplicity at its best. Product engineering then took eighteen months to execute the vision. Ouranos continues the timeless aesthetic I aim for in every design – to look great in a hundred years-time is my criteria.”
As with all of Christopher Boots’ astounding designs, the Ouranos Collection is made to order, crafted in brass and quartz crystal and available globally through Christopher Boots and select galleries in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Australasia.
Christopher Boots Studio was established on the 11th day of the 11th month in 2011, certainly an auspicious date to commence business and the studio has grown worldwide as a respected and innovative brand. Boots founded his particular ideas of lighting designs with material and metaphysical exploration of quartz crystal that has become a signature aesthetic.
Each product is handcrafted to order, each crystal placed just so, to create masterpieces that glimmer and shine and spread the good light.
With the Ouranos collection, Boots has achieved design that has elegance, balance and authenticity, viewed through the perspective of a sphere as Boots comments, “Over the past decade the studio has evolved, developing a really fine body of work and I love how the Ouranos Collection looks towards the future – literally through a crystal ball.”
Indeed! Anyone peering into the future through a crystal ball can see that Ouranos will become yet another iconic product from the studio. Ouranos is destined for greatness and will cast its refined glow far and wide.
Christopher Boots
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