Following the surreal movement of a sometimes powerful, sometimes delicate floating form gracefully dancing through the landscape, Goldie assigns the imagery to that of the brief journey of a life energy morphing from one form to another.

The photographer loves contemplating on the moments when, while everybody is tucked up in bed, the incredible machinations of the universe continue to happen all around – unnoticed, unwitnessed, unseen, uninterrupted.

Exhibition curator Arthur Chan states “Andrew takes the viewer into a perplexing circumstance where they are witness to a beautiful yet bizarre metamorphosis and are forced to create their own narrative”. Recent fatherhood and the profound experience of witnessing the birth of a tiny human being – his son – have largely influenced Andrew Goldie’s series, Transformation. At work is a creative expression of the “wonderment about where we come from and where the human spirit goes when it leaves this place”. “I was inspired by the transmission of our energies in and out of this world and the many unanswered questions surrounding such phenomena”, states Goldie. Visually creating these pure and almost supernatural moments, the photographer often uses a recurring motif of a white floating sheet.

“Andrew Goldie has brought together his many years of experience in both visual art and commercial photography to create perfect imagery with amazing thought and intent. Pushing the boundaries of photography through his use of light and ability to create and then capture a surreal moment, his images are a reflection of his minds eye. This exhibition interprets the ebb and flow of life and energy in the universe”. Arthur Chan, Curator.

“I didn’t want to be limited about the production so we prepared well and took the most powerful lighting and gear possible into the chosen environment to create these beautiful moments… No location was unattainable and I was prepared to experiment… Now I think about it, I was lucky none of us was seriously injured as I love to work on the edge of cliffs and other risky places for some reason. Even my assistants sometimes think I’m a bit crazy as they look on. Once I did shed blood slipping on rocks carrying flash packs and a generator weighing that of another person”
Transformation will be on display at the Red Room on the ground floor of Customs House from 13 february – 31 March, 2013.