It is no longer the era of free refills and all-day bittered brew. Coffee is celebrated as a glorious ritual, stamping the everyday with a moment’s pause. The instant powdered varietal is all but extinct – save the odd emergency stash – to make way for the machine, taking up proud position on the kitchen bench.
It is curious then that, despite the intense deliberation that is given to the modern kitchen, the coffee machine remains a largely utilitarian accessory. And despite our overhaul of the kitchen space – leaning towards clever integrated options – the stylistic quality of the coffee machine is often overlooked.
“Surprisingly little in the way of new thinking has taken place in the world of espresso machines – especially given the attention paid to progress interior architecture and how much real estate these machines take up in your kitchen,” says Per Ivar Selvaag, Principal at San Francisco design studio, Montaag.
After four years of testing and refinement, the AnZa coffee machine is Per Ivar’s response. AnZa is a self-confessed brutalist dream, procuring adoration from architects and design enthusiasts, the world over.

Available in a heavy textured thick-cut concrete and a sleek white corian, AnZa appeals to a diversity of kitchen interiors. The quality of material isolates AnZa from other coffee machines. Particularly in the concrete offering, the pockmarked surface of rough air bubbles and tonal variation brings new life to this kitchen utensil, redefining it as an architecturally-minded decorative sculpture.
Despite the eternal – almost primal – appeal of AnZa, the technology is incredibly modern. ‘IoT’ internet connectivity allows the user remote access as well as the ability to program the machine according to individual tastes.
AnZa is an unapologetic object of scrutinised design. And it makes sense – why reserve moments of beauty when you can access it in the everyday pleasure of a cup of coffee?
Words by Ella McDougall