In 2019 Sophie Gandar founded the linen bedding company Milou Milou with brand and web development by Rosaria Gandar. Milou Milou is not your standard bedding company, linen or otherwise. For one, the pieces are fully customisable, and secondly – seemingly incongruously – the company is zero waste committed to operating in a wholly socially and environmentally sustainable manner.
Pledging a professional commitment to environmental sustainability, customers are invited to design their own bedding from a range of flax linen fabrics either vibrantly colour blocked or classically striped. The pieces can be one or two-toned and come in both standard dimensions for pillowcases, sheets, duvet covers and separates, the dimensions can also be fully specified.
The material selection consists entirely of deadstock fabric which is a term used for discarded fabric (often due to oversupply or inability to sell) or offcuts, giving a second life to good quality linen that would otherwise be needlessly discarded.

Despite the intention that flax linen is a long lasting, hardwearing fabric and customisable designs aim to appeal to a consumer buying for the long term, linen easily breaks down (in as little as two weeks in some cases) and is a renewable resource that’s cultivation contributes to soil and quality.
Finally, they’ve tackled the issue of packing – a bugbear of many online retailers – through integration of compostable packaging only. Furthermore Milou Milou is supporting reforestation through partnership with Shopify X One Tree Planted: as a customer completes their purchase Milou Milou commit to donating $1 USD to quite literally plant one tree.
With the unwavering popularity of linen bedding (not to mention upholstery – will Gervansoni’s Ghost Sofa ever go out of vogue?) I doubt we need to cover the durability and thermo-regulating properties of linen. We all know its performance matches its looks. Now, via Milou Milou, custom bedding can be as good for you as it is the environment.
Milou Milou
Photography by Lille Thompson
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